Drawings Exhibitions About


marine gazier
Black and white portrait

Hi, I'm Marine. I was born in 98, I live and work in Limoges, France.
I spent one year as a student in EBABX, the public Art school of Bordeaux (but things went awry and I was not invited to a second year).
My works have been exhibited at Galerie Meyer and a few other places, but mostly at Galerie Da-End, that represents me.

All drawings are realised with graphite, most of them on 300gr paper.
The provided format informations indicate the size of only the drawn surface of the sheet. Next to the size of the drawing is indicated whether it is currenlty kept at Galerie Da End.

I do not care much about reality.
I believe we should beware not to confuse beauty and technique, grace and perfection.


For informations about a piece or any other inquiries, you can contact Galerie Da-End at this adress:

[email protected]

You are welcome to send me a message at this adress :

[email protected]

All reproduction, modification or usage of the content of this website is prohibited.
© Marine Gazier 2025